Step By Step Guide On How To Be More Organized

step by step guide how to be more organized

“Organization isn’t about perfection. It’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.”- Christina Scalise. To have a calm mind, the environment around you must be clean and organized. It’s nearly impossible to relax in a messy home. Believe it or not, a disorganized space can lead to increased stress levels and depression. Hence why it’s important to keep our homes organized on a regular basis. Below I’m sharing a step by step guide on how to be more organized.

Step By Step Guide On How To Be More Organized

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Step By Step Guide: How To Be More Organized


The first thing you need to do while you’re reading this post is to take a pen and paper and start writing down your organization goals for the day or for the week. Create a habit of making a to-do list to assign yourself everyday tasks in an easy-to-follow format. In other words, break down your big tasks into many small tasks. This way you’ll be able to accomplish more things and won’t get overwhelmed looking at the list. When our home is cluttered and there are so many big tasks to do, it’s easy to want to give up before doing the job. So, creating simpler tasks helps us achieve our goals and not feel disappointed. Take any day of the week where you’re relaxing and have 1hr-2hrs at your hand. During that time you need to plan out your whole week and write down everything in your planner for each day. 

Things you can write about

  • I need to organize my…(room, kitchen, phone, etc).
  • Any scheduled appointments or meetings.
  • List of emails and documents you need to send.
  • Meal planning for the day.
  • Errands to run list.
  • Anything that needs repair or dumping.
  • Books that you want to read.
  • Bills and subscriptions to pay.

You can also write down your list on your computer or your phone’s notepad. The choice is yours. When using your computer, you can use productivity tools like Asana, Trello, Todoist, etc to schedule your tasks and write down your weekly goals.


Make Your Bed

I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying, “If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.” But why is that saying thrown at us so much? Well, when you make your bed first thing in the morning, it will give you a sense of accomplishment and it’ll encourage you to do other tasks one after the other. Not long after you’ll realize you’ve checked off all your tasks for the day and it all started by making your bed. If nothing, you’ll come home to a bed that’s already made after having a long day at work.

Do the small tasks immediately

Once you’ve made the bed and are ready for your morning coffee, these tasks can be taken care of in the time your coffee is brewing. These small tasks can look like this:

  • Putting things from your desk in their right place.
  • Throwing in a load of laundry.
  • Washing a few leftover dishes.
  • Unloading the dishwasher.
  • Watering your plants.

You get to decide what these small tasks look like for you and take care of that while you wait for your beverage. Also, make a habit of putting things in their right place every time. So, washing your cup and spoon right after you had your coffee or hanging your robe in its right place. 

Have a dump bin

Keep a little basket in the corner of your room as a dump bin. Now what this means is just a place to throw anything which you don’t want to put away at the moment but you’ll put away later. These can be things like some clothes or extra little items lying around in your room. This helps in making sure your room stays clean and clutter-free throughout the day even if you feel a little lazy. 

10-15 minute cleaning rule

At the end of your day, just spend 10-15 minutes doing a quick clean-up of any mess that’s lying around. Go through your home and check if you need to return things to the right place. See if there’s any clutter that you need to get rid of. You can utilize your 10-minute cleaning rule to put things from your dump bin in the right places. This way you’ll wake up the next morning without having to worry about last night’s mess. 

Pick out your outfit the night before

This tip makes life so much easier in the morning. When you have your outfits picked out already, it saves you time in the morning from trying out different clothes and matching to see what looks best for that day. It also saves you the time of ironing the outfit as you’ve already made sure these things are done the night before. Pick out the matching accessories and purse as well while you’re at it. In short, pick out your whole look the night before. It seems like a lot, but trust me it hardly takes 5-10 minutes when you actually do it. So, in the morning you just have to wear your clothes and accessories and you’re ready to go. 


These were all the tips for you to follow on an everyday basis to keep your home organized and a little less cluttered at the end of the month when it’s time to deep clean. Now, are you wondering how do you organize your whole home during the week and how can you divide your work to achieve a clean and organized space? Let’s look at the step-by-step process of doing just that. I’m going to tell you exactly what it takes to tidy your home and you can divide these steps as per your schedule and day of the week. Assign yourself one area each day. And that way you’ve developed a basic cleaning routine for the week. Now repeat these steps every week until the end of the month.

Step 1: Digital Organization 

If you work from home, use social media on your phone, and go creative on your iPad then I’m sure you use these devices every single day. In them lies a small world where you have all of your things similar to your home. And like your home, it needs cleaning every now and then and be given deep cleaning from time to time. In this section, I wanted to walk you through a digital declutter with me. Let’s go!


  • Clean out your inbox. Send a response to the ones you absolutely need to and the rest, feel free to delete them if unnecessary.
  • Unsubscribe to the newsletters you never open.
  • Clear your drafts.
  • Clear the spam folder.
  • Organize your important emails by adding labels.


  • Organize your calendar.
  • Clean your photo folder.
  • Delete all unused apps.
  • Clear unnecessary documents and organize the important documents in folders.
  • Delete all notifications.
  • Check if there are any bookmarks you don’t visit. If yes, then clear them.
  • Close all the browser tabs and restart your system.


  • Delete all unwanted photos like the ones that are same or have been downloaded multiple times.
  • Clear your recently deleted folder.
  • Organize your music playlist.
  • Erase all unused apps and store the ones you want to keep in organized folders.
  • Clear any contacts that you don’t require.
  • Erase all unwanted texts from the messaging app.
  • Check for new software updates and update the phone.


  • Unfollow any creators that you don’t connect with on Instagram.
  • Clean your WhatsApp media folder.
  • Unsubscribe to YouTube channels that don’t serve you.
  • Remove yourself from unwanted Facebook groups and unfollow any pages that you don’t enjoy.

Step 2: Closet Organization

If you couldn’t already guess, the first step towards organizing your room starts with organizing your closet. Let’s look at how we can take some time and apply a few tricks to take our closet from looking like a mess to looking super neat.


I know this one’s the hardest for us because we don’t ever wanna get rid of our cute clothes. But if some of your clothes don’t fit you anymore or you just don’t wear them, take inventory of it and get rid of those clothes. Because honestly, then you’ll only have the pieces you truly love. It saves up so much time and space. You won’t have to buy extra storage for your unfit, ripped, or stained clothes. 


Now, this is very important because you can be in the mood for wearing pink one day and you can find it right in front of you. It saves so much time to put outfits together because you don’t have to search for the things you want.


A basket of essentials in your closet can save you from finding little things around the home in the morning. Keep this basket in your closet so you can find everything in one place. These little things can be:

  1. Lint roller
  2. Scissors to cut the tags or unwanted threads.
  3. Double-sided tape
  4. Anything else you need to be ready in the morning. 

Keep another basket of essentials where you store everything important that you carry in your purse. So, that way if you want to change your purse, you just have to take everything from the basket and put it in your new bag.

Step 3: Kitchen Organization

A clean and organized kitchen brings blessings to the food we prepare. It’s so important to realize that the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where the family comes together and shares food. When we realize that, it becomes easy for us to keep our kitchen tidy regularly.


Our food today comes in all kinds of packaging and creates a lot of visual clutter. In order to avoid that:

  • Buy transparent food jars to make everything look clean and also be accessible at the same time.
  • Transfer all the food in these containers and create labels for each one of them.
  • Put everything that has to do with baking in a separate box so that it’s all organized and in one place.
  • When placing all the containers in the cupboard, make sure that the things you use most often are the most accessible.
  • Have a separate spices organizer and stock it up as you need. 


Take inventory of the fresh foods you already have and need to use up. Now, take a journal and note down all the food and dry goods you see. Plan your meals for the coming week with all the produce you just noted down. If there are some fruits and vegetables that need to be used up, go to Google and start finding recipes with those ingredients.

After you’ve had the chance to do that, see if you need some extra produce for your meals for the week. Now, build a grocery list around that. Honestly, this will save you so much time throughout the week as you’ll not have to think about what foods to prepare and you won’t be running short of necessary produce for your food preparation.

Meal planning this way has saved my organization game in the kitchen.

Step 4: Bathroom Organization

And the final step in our post is how to organize your bathroom. We’ll look at how we can use up the space we already have. Give your bathroom a good clean every week. You get to choose what day it would be for you but clean the tub, the shower, the floor, and mirrors. Now we have a clean surface to start our bathroom organization.

So let’s start by organizing under the sink as that is the biggest problem area for most of us.


With this one product, your organization game will be taken to the next level. And that is a tension rod. You can find a tension rod on Amazon or Ikea for a very cheap price.Use this tension rod to separate the sink and the space. You can now see that you have a lot more vertical space and that’s exactly what we want. You can hang your paper towels and cleaning supplies, or use two tension rods parallel to each other and place your towels on them. 


Use baskets and tiered organizers to store your extra cleaning supplies, skincare, and other toiletries that you use every day.Place these baskets and organizers under the sink and voila! 


If you’re a woman, you know how hard it is to search through your makeup bag to find that eyeliner or lipstick when you’re getting late for the day. Hence why it’s so important to keep your everyday makeup organized in a way that everything is easy to spot. Ikea has some amazing transparent organizers that you can use for storing your makeup. You can place it on your countertop for easy access every day.


Next, if you always find towels lying around in your bathroom then you can use towel hooks to hang them after every shower. This way, you’ll save the mess easily.


After you have everything sorted out, give your bathroom a quick wipe with disinfectant. Make a habit to take 5 minutes in the bathroom to do this every day. 


An organized home allows you to relax and provides a sense of peace. It enables you to be more productive throughout the day and helps you sleep a better night. I hope this post was able to provide you with actionable steps on how you can achieve a clean and organized space in your home. While organizing regularly is necessary, it’s also important to understand that it’s a process and you’ll take time to learn these tips. Let me know in the comments if you’d like more tips on organization and I’ll be happy to share more of my secrets and strategies with you.

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Until next time,

Gabby Abigail


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