The Best Fitness Tips From Fitness Influencers

The Best Tips From Fitness Influencers

Are you struggling to reach your fitness goals and not sure what to do? Does committing to a solid workout routine seem beyond your reach? You’re not alone! Lucky for you, I have interviewed three incredible fitness influencers who will bring their motivation, fitness tips, and expertise to the table! So, if you want to get the best fitness tips from fitness influencers who are crushing the game, you’re in the right place. Below, Jochen Kronenberg, Eleanor Jackson, and Lauren Hollie will inspire, motivate, and advise you as you begin or continue your fitness journey!

The best fitness tips from fitness influencers.

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Fitness Influencers From Instagram

Before we get into the interview, I’d like to introduce all three of these incredible fitness influencers to you and share why I am so inspired by them!

Jochen Kronenberg

Jochen Kronenberg is a fitness influencer and personal trainer at Fit & Strong. His mission is to help people love themselves again and become their inner best through fitness. I came across his profile a couple of months ago and have been so inspired by him ever since! I don’t really follow or keep up with many male fitness influencers because I just don’t find their content relatable to my fitness goals in any sense. But, Jochen is the exception. Even though he is from the Netherlands and his content is mostly in Dutch, I come away so inspired every time I watch his stories or read his Instagram posts (thank goodness for the translation feature) Jochen has an incredible mindset and if you know me, you know that I’m all about positivity, personal growth, personal development, and entrepreneur mindsets. So, his mission, content and style fits with me so well.

Why I enjoy following Jochen Kronenberg

Jochen’s main platform is Instagram, where he has an incredible following of 23k+ people. What I mostly appreciate about Jochen is that he uses his platform to inspire, motivate, and educate his audience on all things fitness and personal development. Jochen typically shares motivational quotes that are always spot on, his day in a life at the gym and as an entrepreneur, workout clips, and fitness advice!

Check out Jochen Kronenberg’s: Instagram page

Getting the best fitness tips from Jochen

Since Jochen is my absolute favorite male fitness influencer and personal trainer, I reached out to him to do a fitness interview for my blog! And luckily enough, he kindly accepted to fit me in his busy schedule to do a fitness interview with me! So, below you will find his incredible answers and tips to the 8 fitness questions that I asked him! Since Dutch is his main language, he did his interview in Dutch, but my good friend Simone from beautymone translated his answers from Dutch to English so that we can all understand. So, thank you so much Jochen for accepting to do this interview with me and thank you Simone for translating!

Eleanor Jackson

The second influencer I interviewed is Eleanor Jackson! Eleanor is a 22 year old fitness influencer located in London. She uses her Instagram platform to promote positive well-being through fitness. I came across her profile through a mutual (one of my fitness blogger besties, Kat from katspillsthetea!) and I have been genuinely enjoying her content. As someone who is insanely obsessed with all things fitness related, I absolutely appreciate seeing Eleanor’s fitness, health, and food related posts on my timeline!

Why I enjoy following Eleanor Jackson

Eleanor’s main platform is also Instagram. Even though her fitness account is fairly new, she already has an incredible audience who loves her content (I know I do!) What I appreciate the most about Eleanor is that she shares fun workout ideas and healthy recipes to help you in your fitness journey! I love going to her page for exercises ideas since she shares both bodyweight exercises and exercises using gym equipment! Whether you’re looking to train your upper body, lower body, or full body, Eleanor has a variety of effective exercises to do right on her page.

Check out Eleanor Jackson’s: Instagram page

Getting the best fitness tips from Eleanor

Since I have been loving Eleanor’s page so much, I reached out to her to do a fitness interview with her and include her in this special collab! And thankfully, she accepted to be part of this collaboration! So, below you will find her awesome tips and answers to 8 of my fitness questions. Again, thank you so much Eleanor for being so sweet and accepting to do this interview with me!

Lauren Hollie

The last fitness influencer I interviewed is the lovely Lauren Hollie! Lauren is a fitness blogger, personal trainer, and fitness instructor who advocates for mental health and body confidence. Since we’re both bloggers and blog about fitness (yay for fitness bloggers!), we have been following each other for quite some time now! So, I am very fond of Lauren and her content! Lauren not only uses her platforms to share fitness content, but she uses it to empower other women to have confidence in their bodies, which is so inspiring!

Why I enjoy following Lauren Hollie

Lauren’s platforms include her lifestyle and fitness blog, fitness Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube channel! She uses her voice to advocate for causes close to her heart through various platforms! What I appreciate the most about Lauren is that she uses her platforms to empower, help, and inspire other women to live a healthier life without adding unrealistic standards, pressure, or goals! Also, during quarantine, she offered online classes via zoom to help other women stay fit while gyms were close, so as you can see, helping women better themselves is in her nature!

Check out Lauren Hollie’s : Website | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube Channel

Getting the best fitness tips from Lauren

When I announced on Twitter that I was doing a fitness collab, many people suggested that I include Lauren in this collab, so I was absolutely thrilled when Lauren accepted to do this interview with me! Below, you will find her insightful tips and responses to my 8 fitness questions! Thank you so much Lauren for accepting to do this fitness interview with me!

The Best Fitness Tips From Fitness Influencers


Jochen Kronenberg: Push up, pull up, and burpee.

Eleanor Jackson: Oo this is a good question! I personally love press ups for a good upper body burn. I also think burpees are a great full body exercise as they always gets my heart rate up in HIIT workouts! Lastly I have a love/hate relationship with jumping lunges – they always kill me!

Lauren Hollie: Depends what you mean by effective but 3 exercises I would always include in a plan, with plenty of progressions/regressions are burpees, squats and planks. You can do so much which them and can be adapted to suit everyone, and are also really good exercises to work on form, technique and alignment.


Jochen Kronenberg: Don’t be scared to invest in a coach or a personal plan. Don’t spend your money on supplements or other nonsense/bullsh*t. Decide to spend less money on going out or expensive clothes. Use your money wisely!  

Eleanor Jackson: I think my biggest tip is to ensure your workout routine is: 1) SUSTAINABLE and 2) ENJOYABLE! Make sure the workout plan you set is realistic and achievable so that it will be sustainable long term. Equally, if it’s not enjoyable you won’t keep at it! So find something you enjoy, set a realistic workout plan and then go & smash it!

Lauren Hollie: Everyone was a beginner once! Don’t get caught up in all the fancy Instagram workouts, and take things nice and slow. Get a coach or trainer to teach you proper technique in the beginning so that you don’t develop any bad habits that could lead to injury.


Jochen Kronenberg: That really depends on your goals and circumstances. If I have to say anything, I would suggest someone should workout 5/6 days a week with at least 1 rest day or when the body indicates it needs rest. I never rested enough but believe me, often the most progress is achieved through rest. 

Eleanor Jackson: I feel like the answer to this question is different for every person. There’s no right or wrong number of times to workout, it’s what is achievable and sustainable for YOU. I currently workout 6 days a week but I know this won’t be sustainable when I’m back at uni – and that’s okay! Fitness should be a PART of your life, but it shouldn’t take OVER your life!

Lauren Hollie: As many times as is manageable for them and their lifestyle! Anywhere between 2-6 times can be effective depending on what someone’s goals are and what their every day life is like. It shouldn’t be a chore, it should be something you enjoy. Remember that you don’t have to go the gym for hours on end for a workout to ‘count’ – a 10 minute mobility sequence or HIIT session at home is also worth doing. If you want to see any kind of progress whether that’s physical (being able to lift more, run faster etc) or mental (have more energy, feel better about yourself, more confident etc) , I recommend aiming for about 3 sessions a week. It’s equally important to let yourself rest and muscles recover in between sessions.


Jochen Kronenberg: The mistake I made myself was training my ego instead of focusing on posture. I only wanted to lift heavier and heavier. Because of this, my posture was horrible and even caused injuries. Now I know better. Your posture is the most important part. Don’t lift too heavy if you don’t control the basics yet. If you’re building a house, you don’t start with building a couch either. You start with the foundation, the basics. It’s important to slowly build things up and control your body. 

Eleanor Jackson: I think the biggest mistake is trying to rush the process and giving up when results aren’t instant! Fitness is a journey and results take time – be patient and keep at it, follow your plan, gradually increase your weights and you’ll get there!

Lauren Hollie: Form and technique! I teach fitness classes and some of the technique I’ve seen on people – even those who claim to have been training for years is honestly shocking. Correct form is SO important if you want to avoid injury and have longevity in your workouts and training. Maybe it’s the dancer in me, but technique is something I’m super passionate about and I think it should be made clearer to people signing up to the gym or following a workout at home just how important it is, and how detrimental poor technique can be for your body.


Jochen Kronenberg: As Mohammed Ali always said: “I hated every minute of training, but I said, don’t quit suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion” These words still affect me to this day. I remind myself of the dreams and goals I have. If I think about that I’m able to continue.  2 important lessons: 1) think of a higher purpose for yourself 2) Just start, no matter what!

Eleanor Jackson: My biggest motivator and what spurs me on and keeps me committed is the benefit that working out has on my mental health. The gym is my happy place as it’s time for me to focus on myself for myself, and lets me shut off for an hour or so a day. I always feel better about myself and have a clearer head after having smashed a workout 🥳 I also love seeing physical progress but there’s no better feeling than the endorphins after a workout! 

Lauren Hollie: I like to write down my goals and track my progress, it doesn’t always have to be weight loss either. I like fitness testing to measure progress in areas like stamina, speed and strength. I thrive off seeing progress happening so that’s what keeps me motivated to keep going, striving for more personal records – remember your only comparison should be against yourself and trying to improve yourself. And I also make sure I’m not being too ambitious or hard on myself, I plan my workouts ahead of time and if I’ve got a busy week coming up with other things, I try not to beat myself up about not getting 5 workouts in that week. Be realistic and plan something you can stick to.


Jochen Kronenberg: See the previous question. Stay out of your head, don’t think of the short term… think of the long term, the higher purpose. “Suffer now, enjoy later”

Eleanor Jackson: Your workout routine should be sustainable and enjoyable, so if you’re struggling to commit to it then my biggest tip would be to reevaluate it! Is it realistic and achievable? Do you look forward to doing it? Make sure it’s something you want to do, are able to do and enjoy doing and the commitment will come more easily! I’d also advise setting some personal goals – both short term and long term. Having something to work towards definitely helps me stay more motivated and committed 

Lauren Hollie: Find out why you’re finding it hard to commit to. Do you enjoy it? Are you being unrealistic with how much time you have? It’s important to find a way of training that you enjoy otherwise you’re never going to be motivated to do it. Have set days that you do your workouts on, and if you need to start with just one day a week then start with that and build your way up – if you miss one workout its not the end of the world! You just pick up where you left off.


Jochen Kronenberg: I have been working out for 10 years. Now, I look back as coach and tell my participants that it’s important to realize that result is the work you put in every day. There’s a result every single day and step by step you’ll get closer to your long term goal, your higher purpose. So, don’t focus on the scale, result is way more than just that number. It’s about that time you still went to the gym when you didn’t want to go. Results are in making mistakes, learning from those mistakes and continuing. Dare yourself to be uncomfortable. That’s where you find your strength and that’s the result. 

Eleanor Jackson: I first joined the gym 4 years ago but have seen the most results in the last year! I think this is because I’ve spent more time educating myself about workout splits and nutrition. I never used to worry about what I ate (I have a few intolerances but I still ate those foods regardless) and my workout routine was a bit all over the place – I would gym 5 days a week but just show up and train whatever I fancied! Since there was no structure to my workouts and I wasn’t feeding my body properly, I didn’t really see much progress. Since tracking my macros and setting a proper weekly workout split, I’ve seen so much more progress! 

Lauren Hollie: I started taking fitness more seriously when I left school at 18 and became a fitness instructor and also decided I wanted to become a professional dancer. In my 2 years at dance college I saw crazy results because I was working so hard every day. I’ve been pretty consistent for 4 years now and I still see results whenever I switch up my training to something new.


Jochen Kronenberg: What I love the most is the feeling of adrenaline, power, feeling satisfied, the victory. You’re simply working out to fail. Your muscles can’t handle it anymore… but the next workout you’re able to go a little bit further. The victory of lifting that weight you wanted to lift so bad. Achieving your goals. The powerful feeling after speaking out about the wish to improve your life and doing this successfully.

The moment I went on the stage at the day of my body building contest. That powerful feeling is why I love working out and why I think everyone deserves it. Get off the couch. Work on yourself. You deserve it, you’re worth it. Working out is so much more than only sweating and pain. It’s about creating the best version of yourself. I believe that people will love themselves even more. This is how I’ve expierenced it and that’s what I’ll always propagate. I’ve come a long way….and the gym literally saved my life. 

Eleanor Jackson: I love smashing my goals, hitting a new personal best and pushing myself. At times in my life I have felt very mentally weak, but working out makes me feel so strong and there’s no better feeling than that!

Lauren Hollie: I love pushing my body and seeing what it can do! Working out has taught me to trust my body and know that it is capable of a lot more than I imagined! I love seeing progress but I also love being in the moment of the workout, knowing that you’re working to the best of your ability and getting stronger every day. 

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I had so much fun interviewing Jochen Kronenberg, Eleanor Jackson, and Lauren Hollie and learning from them! And I hope you all enjoyed reading their responses and best fitness tips, too! Let me know in the comments below what you thought of their responses and which fitness tips you enjoyed reading the most.

Until next time,

Gabby Abigail

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